Little iCE did excellent and finished the playoff at number 2. So it would have earned iCE a spot in Division 4, which is not played anymore. Leo Dijksman has unfortunately decided to stop its tournaments as he lost his interest because of the many engine clones that appear. Very sad!
Here is the final cross table
WBEC Ridderkerk, 5th division FINAL.
AMD-PHENOM-3100, 2012.07.04 - 2012.07.21 Score Di iC At If Be TJ Me Sj Ev Ay -----------------------------------------------------------------------
1: DiscoCheck 3.61-x64 29.5 / 36 XX 01 10 11 11 10 10 01 01 11
2: iCE 0.2-b1092 26.5 / 36 10 XX =0 0= 10 10 11 =1 01 =1
3: Atlas 3.20-x64 25.5 / 36 01 =1 XX 10 01 01 =1 11 =1 11
4: Ifrit m1.8-x64-JA 25.0 / 36 00 1= 01 XX 00 == 1= =1 1= 11
5: Bearded Neural 44.5-x64 24.5 / 36 00 01 10 11 XX 0= 10 00 11 11
6: TJchess 1.1-x64 23.5 / 36 01 01 10 == 1= XX 01 =0 =1 01
7: Mediocre 0.4-JA 22.0 / 36 01 00 =0 0= 01 10 XX =0 0= 10
8: Sjakk 1.1.9 21.5 / 36 10 =0 00 =0 11 =1 =1 XX 01 00
9: EveAnn 1.67-b11 20.5 / 36 10 10 =0 0= 00 =0 1= 10 XX 01
10: Ayito 0.2.994 17.5 / 36 00 =0 00 00 00 10 01 11 10 XX