A game is draw if no capture has been made and no pawn has been moved in the last fifty consecutive movesI would have said the same and so I implemented it in iCE. But actually this is not correct. If you look the rule up in the FIDE laws they state
The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by the player having the move, if
- (a) he writes on his scoresheet, and declares to the arbiter his intention to make a move which shall result in the last 50 moves having been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without the capture of any piece, or
- (b) the last 50 consecutive moves have been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without the capture of any piece.
Why is that important ?
If one side mates the opponent with its 50th move the result is mate and not draw because after a mate there is no side to move that can claim a draw anymore.
Well, how likely is this having any relevance?
It is not as unlikely as one might think. The difference will be suppressed because often games are adjudicated very early by the GUI to save time. But if games are played until the end it will show up sooner or later.
One tester of iCE made me aware of a game where iCE just gave away half a point.
![]() |
6R1/8/8/8/4K3/4N3/4r2k/8 b - - 96 147 |
147. .. Kh3??
148. Kf3 Rh2
149. Rh8#
iCE was just assuming that Rh8 will finish the 50 move sequence and draw so he walked into the mate. An analyses shows this clearly. It sees Kh3 as a drawing move.
position fen 6R1/8/8/8/4K3/4N3/4r2k/8 b - - 96 147
analyze depth 8
e2e3 : -32.463 e2e3 e4e3
e2a2 : 0 e2a2 e3f5 a2a1 f5g7
e2e1 : 0 e2e1 g8h8 h2g3 h8g8
h2h3 : 0 h2h3 g8h8 h3g3 h8g8
e2g2 : -32.461 e2g2 g8g2 h2h1 g2c2 h1g1 e4f3 g1h1 c2c1 h1h2 e3g4 h2h3 c1h1
e2f2 : -1.372 e2f2 e3g4 h2h3 g4f2 h3h2
e2d2 : -1.346 e2d2 e3f1 h2h3 f1d2 h3h4 e4f4 h4h5 g8g5 h5h4 d2e4
e2c2 : -1.373 e2c2 e3c2 h2h3 c2d4 h3h4 e4e5 h4h5 d4f5
e2b2 : 0 e2b2 e3f1 h2h3 g8h8
h2h1 : 0 h2h1 g8h8 e2h2 h8h2 h1h2
After knowing there is a problem it was easy to fix. I only had to remove a single character in the source.
inline bool TBoardStateHistory::is50MoveDraw()
return hmc > 100; // was hmc >= 100
Now it solves the above position correctly
position fen 6R1/8/8/8/4K3/4N3/4r2k/8 b - - 96 147
analyze depth 6
e2e3 : -32.463 e2e3 e4e3
e2a2 : 0 e2a2 e3f5 h2h3 f5g7
e2e1 : 0 e2e1 g8h8 h2g3 h8f8 e1h1
h2h3 : -1.345 h2h3 e4f3 h3h4 f3e2 h4h5 e3f5
e2g2 : -1.401 e2g2 g8g2 h2h1 g2f2 h1g1 f2f1 g1h2 e3d5
e2f2 : -1.181 e2f2 e3g4 h2g2 g4f2 g2f1 g8h8 f1g1
e2d2 : -1.378 e2d2 e3f1 h2h3 f1d2 h3h4 d2f3 h4h5 f3e5
e2c2 : -1.378 e2c2 e3c2 h2h3 c2d4 h3h4 d4f3 h4h5 f3e5
e2b2 : 0 e2b2 e3f1 h2h3 e4f5 h3h4
h2h1 : 0 h2h1 g8h8 e2h2 h8g8 h2g2
It sees now that h2h3 will lose the rook to avoid an instant mate and select a different move.
Thanks to jack who reported the issue.
hi Thomas, I understood what you tell but the moves you post for the position are wrong :)
ReplyDelete147. .. Kh3??
148. Kf3 Rh2
149. Rh8#
Rh8+ is not checkmate.
the position you gave is a mate in 8 after 147 .. Kh3??
( stockfish told me it was mate in 8, I would have simply captured the rook, resetting the counter and then mated the lone king with king and rook :) )
Hi Marco, you are right. It is a Mate in 8 after Kh3 because the black move 148. .. Rh2 is not forced. If it is played then Rh8 mates but black could have captured the knight (Rxe3) and then the game lasts a few plies longer.
ReplyDeleteBut actually iCE did see the loss after Rxe3 because it resets the 50 move counter but after Kh3 and Rh2 it thought the 50 move counter will keep the draw score.
take a look at stockfish implementation of draw recognition, it looks lise this
ReplyDeleteif( 50moveCounter>99 && (!ischeck() || legalmoves>0)) ->DRAW
Hi Marco, thanks for the pointer. The stockfish way is basically now almost the same like mine. It makes sure that if the hmc is 100 it is not a mate (another move is possible) before announcing a Draw.
ReplyDeleteMy check hmc > 100 ensures the same (there was a move at hmc = 100, that was played).
So the difference is at hmc = 100, should it be a draw before or after the move is played? Stockfish says before, and I say after.
And I'm really not sure that the stockfish way is here better, because if the leading engine with the right to move at hmc = 100 can Mate by executing its move why should it claim a draw instead.
Probably the stockfish team has good reasons to it the way they do and maybe I miss something.
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